Natural Mineral Water comes from a natural well or spring but must contain many trace minerals. These minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, are essential for good health. Mineral water is protected both physically and geologically by different layers and strata. The presence of minerals in an adequate amount is responsible for the many health benefits, and different mineral contributes to different health benefits. Minerals mainly present in natural mineral water are calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfates, chlorides, bicarbonates, etc. Therefore, Natural mineral water is an excellent mineral supplement.

Mineral supplement deficiency effects

When our body is mineral deficient, every part of the body gets affected. From concentration to energy levels, all mechanisms get influenced. For proper functioning of the body and metabolism of enzymes, we need to have good mineral content. These essential minerals need proper treatment, and drinking natural mineral water can be a good remedy for this situation.

Calcium deficiency-

In children, calcium deficiency causes rickets due to insufficient calcium [phosphate of the bones in growing children. The bones, therefore, remain soft and deformed. In adults, it causes osteomalacia, a generalized demineralization of bones. It may also contribute to osteoporosis, a metabolic disorder resulting in decalcification of bone with a high incidence of fracture. The amount of calcium is poor in bones, and the bones become weak and porous and then break.

Magnesium deficiency-

Deficiency diseases or symptoms are secondary to malabsorption or diarrhoea, or alcoholism. Acute magnesium deficiency results in vasodilation, with erythema and hyperemia appearing on the deficient diet for a few days. Chronic or excessive vomiting and diarrhoea may also result in magnesium depletion. 

Potassium deficiency-

The low sodium level in the serum is hyponatremia, which occurs in acute Addison’s disease, vomiting, diarrhoea, nephrosis, severe burns, and intestinal obstruction.

Sodium deficiency-

Sodium mineral deficiency combined with a loss of water typically includes muscle cramping and weakness, light-headedness, an inability to focus, memory impairment and queasiness. If the deficiency becomes severe, the blood circulation system can collapse, and the entire body could go into shock. A sodium deficiency can allow water to penetrate the cells, resulting in inflaming the cells. A consequence of that occurring is water intoxication, which includes anorexia, apathy, lethargy, and muscle twitching.

Chlorine deficiency-

Excessive depletion of chloride ions through losses in gastric secretions or deficiencies in the diet may lead to alkalosis. Alkalosis occurs due to excess bicarbonate since bicarbonates partially compensate for or replace the chloride ions.

Why mineral supplement is important


It is helpful in the proper working of almost every body function. Important for pH balance, tone, power, strength, longevity, vitality and endurance of bones. Enzymes also require calcium for activation, such as adenosine triphosphatase, succinic dehydrogenase, lipase, etc. It is also essential for membrane permeability—involvement of calcium in muscle contraction, the standard transmission of nerve impulses and neuromuscular excitability. Reduction in levels of extracellular blood calcium increases the irritability of nerve tissue, and deficient levels may cause spontaneous discharges of nerve impulses leading to convulsions.


It aids in relieving daily stress by relaxing nerves. It regulates digestion and helps to inactivate various vital enzymes essential for protein and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, it is essential in muscle contraction and relaxation, producing and transferring energy. Moreover, it assists nerve conduction. Magnesium aids regularity and proper sleep and keeps vertebrae in the proper position. It also purifies body tissues.


Potassium is a principal cation in intracellular fluid and plays a vital role in acid-base balance. It recovers alkaline salts in the bloodstream and aids in metabolic processes. Potassium plays a vital role in the functioning of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, and it also helps regulate water balance in the body. Elimination of waste is also a critical role of potassium.


It’s a principal cation in extracellular f, and itd it regulates plasma volume and acid-base balance. It is also essential for maintaining the osmotic pressure of the body fluids, and sodium preserves the usual irritability of muscles and cell permeability. In addition to it, it activates nerve and muscle function. It is involved in Na + /K + -ATPase, membrane potentials maintenance, nerve impulses transmission, and the absorptive processes of monosaccharides, amino acids, pyrimidine, and bile salts.


Chlorine is vital for fluid and electrolyte balance. The gastric fluid and chloride shift in HCO3 – transport in erythrocytes is also a role of chloride ions. Chloride is the principal anion in extracellular f, and it is vital for regulating the extracellular osmotic pressure and makes up over 60% of the anions in this fluid compartment. Therefore, it is vital in acid-base balances.

The importance of these macro and micro mineral elements in the nutrition of humans is crucially high. It is essential to obtain mineral content to combat various deficient situations regularly. Natural mineral water is rich in minerals and, therefore, acts as an excellent mineral supplement, and increasing consumption of natural mineral water helps prevent chances of mineral deficiencies.

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