Regular water undergoes various processes which make it acidic. But the acidic pH is a condition in which bacteria, viruses grow more and make our bodies more prone to bacterial infections. At the same time, natural mineral water is alkaline, which makes it favourable for our body. The alkaline pH is most optimum for the proper functioning of the body.

Water is an elixir of life.

Water is an elixir of life, but its nature and composition vary depending on the source and processing. Natural mineral water comes from natural sources such as springs or wells. It is naturally rich in minerals and meets all the quality standards without any processing. The packaging of natural mineral water occurs close to its source. At the same time, regular water can be water from any source like groundwater, purified water, tap water, etc. It needs several treatments and processes like disinfection, filtration, U.V processes, osmosis, etc.

Several studies show that minerals in water are more accessible for the body to absorb than those present in food. All these minerals contribute to health to a large extent. Pure water is not necessarily healthy. To be healthy, the water needs some optimum conditions like minerals, alkaline pH, etc. Natural mineral water enjoys the benefit of being pure along with its health benefits. 

It passes through the various layers of earth and undergoes filtration naturally. In addition to it, it dissolves whatever comes in its path and contributes to our health when we consume it. Natural mineral water is free from any external impurities because it runs under at a certain depth, freeing it from external contamination. It contains certain minerals like magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorides, sulfates, bicarbonates, etc.

Natural mineral water is healthier than regular bottled water in its nature, taste, mineral content, health benefits, cost, etc.

Naturally Pure

Regular water is water from any source which needs proper treatment before selling to the consumers. The process of distillation and osmosis eliminates compounds present in water by boiling them at a temperature where solid contents stay down and water molecules evaporate. But specific volatile components are also present in water that evaporates at a temperature lower than water. In osmosis, the quantity of water stays, which leads to the wastage of water to a certain level. 

Opposite to the above situation, mineral water is pure and safe naturally. It is untouched from any external impurity. It is entirely safe for drinking. Certain chemicals like pesticides may pose a problem and stay back in water even after distillation.

Rich mineral content than regular water

Regular water is water from any source. Therefore, it needs to go through various treatments. Processes like distillation and reverse osmosis lead to the removal of certain essential minerals along with the impurities. The presence of minerals is essential for health and regular body functions. Natural mineral water is rich in mineral contents like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc., which have their health benefits.

Health benefits

The health benefits of natural mineral water are very high, making it more preferable to regular water. Loss of minerals leads to various deficiency conditions like cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure fluctuation, decreasing bone density, neurodegenerative disorders, skin disorders and many more. The presence of these minerals makes the natural mineral water worthy of consumption. Opposite to it, the regular mineral water is not a source of any such mineral.


Regular water undergoes various costly treatments like osmosis and distillation. Water processing requires various costly equipment like distillation units, U.V’s, etc., whereas natural mineral water does not require any such processings and is naturally pure.

Natural mineral water has tremendous benefits over regular bottled water, which makes natural mineral water a beverage of choice. Finally, natural mineral water proves to be the more worthy choice over natural mineral water.

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