Dehydration’s a term where the body is poor in fluid contents present in it, and it’s a situation where the loss of water/ fluids exceeds their intake. Our body is smart enough to convey messages of any irregularities and deficiencies that our body is suffering from. But it’s our responsibility to understand those warning signs and react accordingly.

Warning signs of dehydration-

Early warning signs include
  • Increased thirst
  • Dryness in mouth
  • Headaches
  • Reduction of inability to think and focus
  • A coloured or small amount of urine
 Acute warning signs of dehydration include
  • Dryness in the skin and no elasticity.
  • Sleepiness is extreme, and the person is unable to wake up
  • Constipation
  • Reduction in the amount of urine
  • Dry and sunken eyes may lead to no tears
  • Confusion
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Dizziness at a level where a person may fall down
  • Irritation and agitation
Some severe Warning signs include
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Kidney dysfunctioning
  • Seizures
  • Rapid respiration
  • Reduction in consciousness level


You are drinking more fluid content to stabilize the balance of water content in the body. We need to drink about 2 litres of water a day regularly to prevent dehydration. Try taking small sips of water. Make it a habit to drink water every day after waking up and before going to bed. Make a chart for water consumption and follow it. Drink water before and after every meal you take in the whole day. Water consumption is a strict recommendation for people with heavy physical workloads to avoid dehydration.

Eating habit also affects your fluid balance to a large extent. Eating a balanced diet is therefore very necessary. To avoid such situations, it’s advisable to eat the proper diet, including vegetables and fruits high in water content. In addition, add juices to your diet. At present, people show less concern regarding dietary routines. To avoid becoming dehydrated, it’s important not to skip your meals. Follow the routine of healthy eating strictly. Moreover, avoid drinking caffeine-containing drinks in excess like- coffee and tea. Alcohol is another drink that exaggerates the conditions of dehydration.

Proper rest is also necessary to avoid dehydration. Lying down in complete air conditioning and an excellent place may help.


  • Taking more fluid content in the diet, including water, juices, and other drinks.
  • Prevent alcohol and excessive use of coffee and tea.
  • Take proper rest and avoid going out in the sun.
  • Monitor signs of the body that reflects the state of dehydration.
  • In severe cases, take medical help.
  • In situations like vomiting and diarrhoea, use over the counter medication to treat them and avoid excessive loss of fluids.

Daily habit

  • Drink water when you wake up and before sleeping.
  • Add another glass to your daily intake before and after your breakfast.
  • Adding a glass of water to your daily consumption before and after lunch and dinner will have the same effect.
  • For the sportsperson, after every activity, tries taking small sips to avoid excessive loss.

Benefits of staying hydrated

Drinking water helps in keeping your organs healthy. Kidneys, heart, lungs, and digestive systems all work in coordination. You can experience clear and shiny skin—solid and long hairs. The mood stays light and happy. Extra calorie addition is avoided, resulting in good weight maintenance. It keeps your joints lubricated. There are fewer headaches and confusion. Energy levels are high, and the immune system functions well. Our body is made up of water, and we need water to keep its functioning proper and efficient.

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