The water requirements for a person who works in a proper air-conditioning environment are comparatively less than that of a person working with direct sun exposure. Water needs vary accordingly, as per the lifestyle and physical workload of a person. For an average person with all facilities, about 2-2.5 litres of water is necessary. Opposite to this, the person who requires heavy physical workouts needs 3 litres or more water as a daily routine. The condition of a person suffering from some disorders may vary accordingly.

Why is drinking water essential?

Water is the essence of life as 60-80% of our body comprises water. Our cells, tissues and major organs all constitute water. Water plays a vital role in our functioning and to maintain body functions, lubrication and body temperature. It is the sole constituent that helps inflow and transportation all essential nutrients and minerals throughout the body and manages their levels. The minerals in water are easily absorbable by the body than those present in food. Therefore, we need to keep up proper hydration.

What’s the suitable time and frequency for proper hydration?

Don’t wait to feel thirsty to grab your water bottle. Small sips of water after some intervals are more beneficial than gulping a glass or two simultaneously. Water intake can vary as per a person’s need. Still, some suitable habits are drinking water before sleeping and waking up—taking a glass of water before and after an hour of every meal starting from breakfast till dinner. At the same time, it’s advantageous for sportspeople or athletes to take small sips every 20-30 minutes to avoid excessive loss.

Is there any need for extra water during any specific time?

Extra concerns are mandatory in some cases like-

1. Old age people- Changing temperature can affect old age people to a large extent as they are not too efficient to adjust accordingly. Therefore, older people require more fluids to adjust to changes and maintain the fluids levels in the body.

2. Infants- They are more likely to have problems like diarrhoea vomiting and hampers their fluid levels in the body quickly. Therefore the need for fluid is significant in the case of infants and children.

3. People prone to diseases- Diseases or weak immune functioning are more likely to lose their hydration levels. Especially, people with kidney problems or hyperglycemia are frequent sufferers.

4. Athletes- More physical workout leads to more loss of fluids through sweating. Therefore, frequent fluid recovery is a must for athletes as they are at a higher risk of suffering from dehydration.

5. People working in direct sun exposure- Direct sun exposure can affect your body at a rate faster than the one sitting inside homes or offices. People working in the direct sun need a large water backup to avoid dehydration. Indeed, such individuals must carry their water bottles along with them wherever they go.

How to maintain a state of hydration?

1. Carry your water bottles with you and take small sips after small intervals.

2. Try drinking water before and after half an hour of every meal.

3. Don’t wait to feel thirsty to reach for your bottles.

4. Avoid skipping meals to maintain hydration.

5. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet, which are rich in water content.

6. Juices can serve as a healthy choice for adding it to diet along with water.

7. Eat a well-balanced diet.

8. Prevent excess consumption of caffeine-containing drinks.

9. Alcohol consumption is a big no for maintaining hydration.

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